Bill Fisher, W4AN (SK)

Inducted: May 2006

SK Date: April 2004

Bill J. Fisher, W4AN (ex-KM9P), of Alpharetta, Georgia, was an enthusiastic radio amateur whose call sign often graced the upper echelons of the contest results. Fisher and fellow Georgian John Laney, K4BAI, took the silver medal at World Radiosport Team Championship ’96 in the San Francisco Bay area.

In addition to his contesting activities, Fisher was the founder of the Web site. Along with Garth Hitchens, KG7GA, Randy Thompson, K5ZD, and Trey Garlough, N5KO, he helped to establish the popular Amateur Radio site in 1999. In addition, he supported contesting reflectors via his own servers.

Fisher was a member of the South East Contest Club, the South East DX Club, the First-Class CW
Operators’ Club (FOC) and the A-1 Operator Club. In addition to being a ham radio contester, he was an
avid bicycle racer.

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