Jeff Briggs, K1ZM

Inducted: May 2005

Jeff Briggs K1ZM is probably best known as a 160m specialist but began contesting in 1959. Over the years he has assembled competitive stations in NY, CT, MA, and Canada and has been active in all major contests in virtually every entry class.

Highlights of his contest performance include:

  • First Place ARRL SS Phone 1982 as NP4A
  • USA Winner CQWW Phone 1976, 1982 as W1ZM (CT)
  • W/VE Single Op All Band ARRL DX Winner Phone 1978,1982,1984 as W1ZM (CT)
  • W/VE Single Op All Band ARRL DX Winner CW 1993, 1999 as K1ZM (NY and MA)
  • W/VE Single Op All Band ARRL DX Winner Phone 2003-2010 as VY2ZM (PEI)

Jeff was the principal founder of the Yankee Clipper Contest Club along with N4ZC, K1XX, K1OME, and K1AM in 1977 and served as its first President.

He served as the principal fundraiser for WRTC 2002 (for OH2BH) and again in 2006 (for PY5EG) raising $100,000 for each event.

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