Lew Gordon, K4VX

Inducted: May 1996

SK Date: February 25, 2017

Gordon’s first love was DX contesting, and during his active contest years as W9APY, W4ZCY, and K4VX his station made several hundred thousand QSOs. Over the years he also mentored many young contesters, including three-time WRTC co-champion Jeff Steinman, then KR0Y, now N5TJ. Among the other budding contesters that Steinman enticed into the circle of K4VX operators was Dave Patton, NN1N.

Gordon had a reputation in the contesting world for his high ethical standards, insisting that operators at his station abide by them, especially for not exceeding the maximum legal power output. His strength of character and contest skills led to his selection as Chief Judge at two World Radiosport Team Championship competitions.

NN1N noted, “Gordon ventured beyond contesting and DXing, equipping a local school with ham gear and teaching classes. “He licensed over 100 kids, and they all had tours of a real radio station.”

Si;ent Key: February 2017

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