Inducted May 2006
Tim Duffy K3LR began his ham radio adventure as WN3SZX in 1972 (12 years old). He leveraged that knowledge to work for the local AM radio station while still in High School as chief engineer. He graduated from Pennsylvania State University.
An active contester, he wanted to build a winning multi-operator station. This resulted in a 14-tower station with 11 operating positions. He has hosted over 175 different ham radio operators from around the world as part of the K3LR Multi-operator Multi-transmitter contest efforts since 1992.
Duffy’s passion for radio is most visible around the Dayton Hamvention. K3LR serves as chairman of Contest University, the Dayton Contest Dinner, chairman of the Top Band Dinner – as well as co-coordinator of the Contest Super Suite. He has been Hamvention Antenna forum moderator for many years.
Duffy was the ARRL Atlantic Division Technical Achievement award winner in 1998. He is founder and moderator of the popular RFI Reflector ( since 1999.